Analysis and assessment of the inclusive education process of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders from early childhood education to university: social participation as the axis of analysis (EDITEA).

State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness - EDU 2017-86739-R


The purposes of the project are to describe, analyze and assess how the schooling process of students with ASD has taken place and how it is being carried out within the framework of the ordinary educational centers in which they have been or are enrolled. We are aware that this process does not always take place in the best conditions that it should have, in accordance with the right of all boys and girls to an inclusive quality education. In doing so, we want to pay special attention to what in this project we are going to call the participation or emotional well-being of children with ASD, a very important issue for all students. From the work carried out, we hope that conclusions and suggestions will be generated for the educational administration, schools and teachers that serve to improve the education of students with ASD and by extension that of other groups of vulnerable students and at risk of segregation, marginalization or school failure. But we also aspire that the voice of families and that of children, adolescents and young people who have lived through this process be heard and taken into consideration, as a right that is also established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Synthetically, the project has 4 interrelated studies, whose core is the construction of life stories of children with ASD in 3 important moments of their educational process (and that of all), such as the so-called educational transitions, that is, the great moments of change of stage (from early attention to primary education, from this to compulsory secondary education and from this to higher education, where appropriate), which in many cases also implies a change of school. Around him we have also studied the attitudes of his own classmates, those of their fathers and mothers and those of their teachers.

Publications and dissemination of results (presentations at seminars, conferences, congresses)

EDITEA team (2021). On the challenge of a more inclusive education for students with ASD throughout compulsory schooling... and beyond.

EDITEA (2021). Challenging education. Towards a more inclusive horizon for ASD students troughout compulsory education... and beyond.


The work on "The role of Special Education Centers in the process towards more inclusive educational systems. Four case studies" is the result of a Contract between members of EQUIDE and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP), mediated by the FUAM. At a time when the LOMLOE has established a commitment in this direction, the cases raised can be inspiring and useful to implement this complex process.

Has been published in English the report "The role of Special Education Centers in the process towards more inclusive educational systems. Four case studies: Newham (UK), New Brunswick (Canada), Italy and Portugal" (The role of Special Education Schools in the process towards more inclusive educational systems.Four international case studies: Newham (UK), New Brunswick (Canada), Italy and Portugal).

This particular "Thermometer for the assessment of inclusive education in a school", is a product derived from the Research Contract between members of EQUIDEI and Plena Institución España.

Margarita Cañadas and Gabriel Martínez, both members of EQUIDEI, are teachers at the Catholic University of Valencia and very active members of their "Campus Capacitas" project, whose programs include the renowned Early Care Center, "La Alquería".

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